01 May 2008

Lizzie, WIP part 5

This being the first day of May, I'm starting the annual Every Day in May challenge. Which means doing some sort of art work every day. Today's work was to continue with my portrait of my niece, Lizzie. I've made a few adjustments to the left eye and the mouth (I always find the mouth the hardest part to get right, for some reason) and done a bit more work on the hair. I'm still not completely satisfied with the likeness, but it's better than it was. I don't think I'll do much more work on the hair; I like portraits that are more and more "unfinished" the further away you get from the face. This time I've also posted my reference photograph in case anyone can spot any glaring problems that I could easily correct!


Anita Davies said...

Dave this is looking fantastic, great job on that hair!

E-J said...

This is coming along really well, Dave. The likeness looks pretty impressive to me.

Alison said...

Excellent try - the white of the eye on the left looks too large to me - in the photo the iris is larger than the visible white, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I don't know Dave, it looks like you captured the likeness of the photo pretty good. I think it looks great.