22 March 2008

Trip to Australia

I've not posted for a few days because I've been preoccupied with getting ready for our trip to Australia. We leave tomorrow!! I've never been before, so it's very, very exciting. We'll be spending a week in Sydney, then going to Port Douglas and then on to Bloomfield in the Daintree rainforest. Can't wait!! So, here are a few random sketches that I've done in breaks from packing. I might not be able to post again until mid-April. But, I'm taking pens, pencils and paints with me, so with any luck there'll be something to show you all when I get back.


Teri said...

How exciting!!!! Be sure you sketch a lot and show us them all. These sketches here are neat.

Anita Davies said...

Great sketches Dave.
Oooh, how excited you must be, glad to hear you're taking art supplies.
Safe journey!!!

E-J said...

Nice sketches!

You lucky, lucky man ... I have visited Sydney, Port Douglas and the Daintree rainforest (over two trips) and didn't manage a single sketch, but I am determined to go back there someday! Gorgeous, gorgeous part of the world!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy Dave and see you(and your sketches) when you get back!

Robyn Sinclair said...

I was just wondering 'what's Dave up to?' and here I discover you are in Australia! The last place I'd have thought of.

I do hope you get a chance for a few sketches and maybe some photos to make me even more homesick than I am. If you make any mention of beautiful Asian food, you will really break my heart.

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I had to come back here to ask: What is the colour of this ink dave, I love it...I'm looking all over for a burgundy colour ink but can only find the real reds, which are too red?

Dave said...

Thanks for your lovely comments.

Ronell, the ink is Noodlers red-black. In the UK I get it from http://www.thewritingdesk.co.uk/noodlers/noodlers.php It is a great colour, which I learned about from Anita.