16 October 2007

Jonathan WIP, part 1

I haven't done a graphite portrait for a while, so here goes with one of my nephew, Jonathan. I liked the pose, though I'm still not sure if it will make a good drawing because you can't see his eyes. Worth a try, anyway! This is done on Bristol smooth, so far I've only used a mechanical 2B pencil. The hair is going to be a challenge!

Tomorrow I'm going to submit a pen and ink drawing I did a while ago to the Oxford Art Society open exhibition. I've never done anything like that before. It's very scary; it's a society for real, professional artists! But the secretary is a friend of mine, and she twisted my arm. Unfortunately, she's not on the selection committee! I'll let you know how I get on...


  1. This one looks like it's going to be wonderful - good luck with the hair.
    And good for you for submitting your drawing - I'll be looking forward to hearing the results!

  2. This is looking great already Dave.
    Good for you having a shot at the exhibition, something I really should get off my butt and do more of myself. Good luck!

  3. Your graphite work has always been great, Dave. Great to see you going back to this medium!

    Good luck with the exhibition - you are a braver man than I, Gungha Din!

  4. You are off to an excellent start, Dave. I love the pose too - sort of a benign guardian perspective. Lovely. And bravo for submitting to the exhibition. Good luck - you never, never know.

  5. This looks so good so far Dave...it is surely going to be a winner...
